Conditions of Entry

Entry to Eat Street Northshore is subject to the following conditions. The term “Eat Street” within these conditions includes reference to the area bounded by the perimeter fencing of the venue. Northshore Street Food and Art Markets Pty Ltd (“Venue Owners or their appointed managerial representative”) – reserve the right to refuse entry to or eject from the venue, any person who does not comply with any of these conditions.

1. Acceptance of Risk and Limitation of Liability

Patrons entering Eat Street do so at their own risk. Patrons assume all risks associated with and incidental to Eat Street, whether before, during or after Eat Street (including property damage or loss and personal injury). The risks assumed by Patrons include any risks caused by Venue Owners in ensuring compliance with the Conditions of Entry.

Patrons waive any claims for personal injury or death against Venue Owners on behalf of Patrons and any accompanying minor.

2. Admission

Venue Owners reserve the right to refuse admission to, or remove any person for reasonable cause, without notice. 

Persons under the age of 12 must be under the direct supervision of an adult AT ALL TIMES. 

3. Alcohol and Drugs

a. The Venue Owners are the Licensee of Eat Street.
b. Patrons must not bring drugs or alcohol (including gifts) into Eat Street.
c. Alcohol must be consumed within the area of Eat Street (“the permitted area”). No alcohol is
permitted to be taken off or outside the venue.
d. Any person wishing to drink alcohol at Eat Street may be required to provide a driver’s licence, current passport or proof of age card.
e. Any minor found drinking alcohol may, in the Licensee’s sole discretion, be refused entry to or ejected from Eat Street.
f. Any person supplying alcohol to a minor or any person deemed to be assisting or contributing to the supply of alcohol to a minor may, in the Licensee’s sole discretion, be refused entry to or ejected from Eat Street.
g. Any person showing signs of becoming unduly intoxicated may be refused entry or ejected.
h. Any person demonstrating disorderly behavior may be refused entry or ejected.

4. Animals

Pets are welcome at Eat Street however they must be people friendly. They cannot be on any tables or chairs and all dogs must be kept on a short leash and managed by an adult. Pets are not allowed within 3 metres of any food servery. Dogs must be able to be carried when in congested areas. All artificial turfed areas are NO-GO zones for all pets. Accidents must be cleaned up immediately. Unfriendly behavior will not be tolerated. Limit of 1 (one) pet per adult. You hereby accept full responsibility for any incidents that cause injury or distress. Note, assistance animals are welcome in all areas.

5. Bicycles, scooters

Bicycles, scooters, skateboards or similar modes of transport are not permitted inside the venue and must be stored outside an entry point.

6. Change of Activities

Venue Owners reserve the right to add, withdraw or substitute tenants, performing artists and amenities (including function spaces) at any time.

7. Entry Fee and no-refund Policy

Patrons or function organisers/guests are not entitled to a refund in any circumstances. This non-refund policy applies in circumstances including, for example;
a. If you attend Eat Street and are unsatisfied.
b. If Eat Street activities change, or any parts of Eat Street change.
c. If any part, or all, of Eat Street is cancelled due to weather or on any reasonable basis, or any cause outside the control of the Venue Owners.
d. If you are refused entry or ejected for any reason in accordance with the Conditions of Entry.

8. Footwear

Patrons must wear footwear while at Eat Street.

9. Hours of Operation

The hours of operation are flexible, but generally include Friday and Saturdays 4 – 10pm and Sunday 4 – 9pm. The Venue Owners reserve the right to change these hours without notice. All Patrons must have departed the venue by 10.15pm on Friday and Saturday night and 9.15pm on Sundays.

10. Items Not Permitted

Patrons to Eat Street may not bring in food and drink (excluding a celebration cake), knives, alcohol, illegal drugs and controlled substances, weapons or other items deemed dangerous by Venue Owners. Confetti/confetti balloons, streamers are strictly NOT ALLOWED inside the venue due to our location over the Brisbane River.

11. Recording, Transmission and Exhibition

a. Patrons agree not to record or transmit, or aid in recording or transmitting, any description, account, picture, or reproduction of Eat Street other than for private non-commercial purposes, without the permission of the Venue Owners.
b. Patrons by their actual attendance grant permission to Venue Owners to use their name, image, likeness, or statements in any live or recorded audio, video, or photographic display or other transmission, exhibition, publication or reproduction made of, or at Eat Street without further authorisation from, or compensation to the Patron.

12. Refusal of entry

Venue Owners reserve the right to refuse entry to or eject patrons for the following reasons: –
a. If patron is unwell at the Venue displaying flu-like symptoms.
b. Anyone who intentionally coughs, sneezes or spits. This may lead to criminal charges.
c. Patrons will not act in a manner that is inappropriate, offensive to others, or illegal.
d. Eat Street is a family-friendly venue, patrons are not permitted to wear clothing that includes inappropriate symbols or wording that could cause offence to others.
e. Any person showing signs of becoming unduly intoxicated may be refused entry or ejected.
f. Any person demonstrating disorderly behaviour may be refused entry or ejected.

13. Searches

Patron’s belongings may be searched on entry to Eat Street, or during their attendance at Eat Street. Patrons must consent to such searches. Patrons may be required to leave Eat Street if they refuse a request to have their belongings searched and will not be refunded or otherwise compensated.

14. Smoking

No smoking is permitted in Eat Street.

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